Quotes of the Day

Friday, Nov. 11, 2005

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This blue substance is:
A super-absorbent polymer 13%
An ant farm 77%
An anti-termite gel 10%
An underwater tic-tac-toe game 1%

This robot:
Is programmed to walk your dog 4%
Is programmed to conduct search and rescue 5%
Is programmed to respond to simple commands 88%
Is programmed to play football in the NFL 3%

This is:
A tree ornament 4%
A doily 10%
An internal wound-care bandage 75%
A patch for your jeans 11%

This Robot:
Responds to human emotion 69%
Purrs when you pet it 6%
Answers questions in five languages 5%
Is designed to be a companion to small children 21%

This is:
A router to send TV video to a computer 79%
A digital stereo preamplifier 4%
A fat-free candy 1%
A portable Internet server device 17%

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  • Robot—or human? Bandage—or doily? Test your knowledge of the most amazing inventions of 2005